Friday, November 12, 2010

Get this party started

Bishop Filadelfo, the Anglican Bishop of Rio de Janeiro, was amongst the first to arrive for the party and talked to Joel about his work in poor communities across the world before the two posed for a photograph in front of Jesus at the Last Supper.

Parents and friends of the young people packed the church and the celebration soon got under way with a demonstration of capoeira - an Afro-Brazilian martial arts dance - by children from Projeto Rei.

Joel and Socorro, president of the Seed of Life Association, and I explained how the project had been conceived before the young people gave a blow by blow account of what they'd done.

Some told the stories behind the murals, some showed off the English words they learnt and others thanked Joel for all he had taught them.

Then it was out into the church grounds where Bishop Filadelfo blessed each of the murals and sprinkled them with holy water.

 But we were all swiftly back in church for refreshments which included hot dogs and a huge cake.